Sunday, September 11, 2011

Masalah OAB

Kerap kencing tanda sakit

Ramai rahsiakan derita buang air kecil yang jadi petanda pundi kencing bermasalah

TAHUKAH anda, kekerapan membuang air kecil sebenarnya turut menentukan tahap kesihatan pundi kencing anda? Lebih sukar lagi, keinginan atau gesaan membuang air kecil bukan sekadar masalah kecil tetapi turut menjadi petanda anda berkemungkinan besar mengalami gejala dikenali pundi kencing terlalu aktif atau Overactive Bladder (OAB).

Apa yang dikesali, majoriti mereka yang mengalami masalah kesihatan ini lebih sanggup menderita dalam diam daripada berkongsi dengan rakan-rakan rapat, keluarga mahupun pakar kesihatan. Alasan mereka – malu atau menganggap ia sebahagian daripada kesan atau proses peningkatan usia. Masalah sukar kawal kencing (incontinent) atau inkontinens itu turut menjejaskan kehidupan seharian.

Ramai yang salah faham mengenai masalah ini apabila menganggap OAB sesuatu yang lumrah padahal ia sebenarnya boleh dirawat. Tindakan membiarkan masalah itu berlarutan sebaliknya boleh mengundang padah kerana ia menjejaskan kehidupan lelaki dan wanita pada semua peringkat umur.

Silap jika ada yang beranggapan masalah ini cuma dihadapi mereka di peringkat usia lanjut kerana gadis remaja pun tidak terkecuali. Kajian yang dilakukan ke atas wanita di 11 negara di Asia mendapati 53.1 peratus individu berusia di antara 29 hingga 59 dibelenggu masalah itu.

Apakah puncanya OAB ini? Ia disebabkan keadaan pundi kencing yang terlalu aktif sehingga menyebabkan pesakit perlu kerap ke tandas.

Tanda-tanda paling penting OAB adalah rasa terdesak untuk buang air kecil, diikuti kekerapan dan perlu bangun sehingga dua kali atau lebih pada waktu siang atau malam untuk kencing.

Bagaimanapun OAB juga wujud pada individu yang mempunyai sistem saraf yang normal. Sebagai contoh jangkitan saluran kencing, batu karang atau ketumbuhan pundi kencing boleh menyebabkan aktiviti melampau pada otot ‘detrusor’ yang membawa gejala OAB. Apapun, punca sebenar yang menyebabkan OAB masih tidak dapat dipastikan.

Pakar urologi dan Presiden Yayasan Kontinens Malaysia (CFM), Dr Peter Ng, menjelaskan OAB boleh dilihat berdasarkan tiga ciri utama iaitu kekerapan, terdesak/gesaan dan bangun malam (F.U.N Frequency Urgency and Nocturia).

“Kekerapan bermaksud pesakit OAB berulang ke tandas berkali-kali manakala terdesak/gesaan menjelaskan rasa terdesak untuk membuang air kencing yang sukar ditangguh. Bangun malam pula merujuk kepada perbuatan sering bangun malam untuk membuang air kecil. Antara semua tanda-tanda ini, kekerapan adalah gejala yang paling penting dalam membuat penilaian OAB.

“Keadaan ini bukan saja merimaskan malah menyusahkan pesakit. Bayangkan mereka terpaksa ke tandas sebegitu kerap. Malah rasa gelisah sering melanda apabila mereka terpaksa melakukan tugasan penting seperti bermesyuarat sedangkan mereka asyik ke tandas.

“Selain itu, tidur dan rehat pesakit dan pasangannya juga boleh terganggu kerana sering terbangun malam untuk buang air kecil,” katanya selepas pelancaran sejenis pil bagi melegakan OAB keluaran GlaxosmithKline (GSK) yang dikenali Vesicare (Solifenacin succinate), baru-baru ini.

Menurutnya, masalah itu menyebabkan penghidap OAB terpaksa remeh memikirkan lokasi tandas berhampiran tempat dituju.

“Akibatnya, mereka rasa tertekan, menyisihkan diri dan mengehadkan aktiviti yang menyebabkan kesejahteraan dan kualiti hidup terjejas,” katanya.

Jelas Dr Peter lagi, ramai yang menghidap OAB keberatan untuk mendapatkan rawatan walaupun sekian lama terganggu akibat desakan untuk ke tandas. Ada yang malu untuk membincangkan secara terbuka manakala ramai yang menyangka ia adalah sebahagian daripada proses penuaan dan tidak perlukan perhatian dari segi perubatan.

“OAB adalah penyakit yang disahkan dan boleh dirawat dengan bantuan perubatan. Malah amalan senaman yang betul seperti senaman Kegel untuk melatih otot pelvik; melatih otot vagina; stimulasi elektrikal lantai pelvik selain terapi untuk melatih tabiat buang air kecil yang lebih sistematik boleh membantu,” katanya.

Jenis ubatan yang digunakan untuk melegakan masalah kesihatan ini ialah Oxybutinin (Ditropan), Tolterodine, Darifenacin dan terbaru dalam kumpulannya ialah Solifenacin atau Vesicare.

Fakta: Faktor risiko OAB

# Usia yang lanjut (20 peratus populasi berusia 70 ke atas mungkin akan melaporkan tanda OAB)
# Strok
# Kecederaan saraf tunjang
# Dementia
# Penyakit Parkinson
# Diabetes
# Pembesaran prostat
# Pembedahan prostat
# Hamil kembar

INFO: Tip tangani OAB

# Ambil kira jumlah pengambilan cecair dan waktu pengambilannya.
# Jauhi minuman kafein.
# Amalkan pengambilan makanan yang kaya dengan serat atau ambillah makanan tambahan yang berserat.
# Latih pundi kencing untuk melewatkan sedikit gesaan ke tandas apabila terasa ingin kencing.
# Sesetengah orang berhadapan dengan masalah untuk mengosongkan pundi kencing dengan sepenuhnya. Justeru, tunggu beberapa minit selepas membuang air kecil untuk membuang air kecil kali kedua. Ini bagi memastikan pundi kencing benar-benar kosong.
# Jadualkan waktu untuk anda membuang air kecil setiap hari. Misalnya, setiap dua atau tiga jam sekali. Ia lebih baik daripada anda ke tandas hanya selepas terasa ingin membuang air kecil.
# Lakukan senaman otot lantai pelvik bagi menguatkan otot berkenaan dan saluran kencing anda.
# Pakai pelapik seluar dalam bagi mengelakkan anda terkucil.
# Kekalkan berat badan yang ideal.

Oleh Suzan Ahmad

Happy heart

The Secret to a Happy Heart

Photography by: Thayer Allyson Gowdy

Your doctor knows the keys to preventing heart disease, and chances are so do you. They are straightforward and well publicized: eat a healthy diet, exercise often and reduce your stress load. Sounds easy. So why aren’t more of us making these changes? Why is heart disease still the leading cause of death among women in the United States? Put these questions to Thomas Yarema, M.D., a physician in Aptos, Calif., and he’ll give it to you straight: “The reason that the American Heart Association’s recommendations often don’t work is that many people simply don’t groove with them.”

To have a healthy heart, Yarema explains, you have to have a happy heart—and that means finding a way to make lifestyle changes in a way that brings well-being, rather than a feeling of deprivation or punishment. Yarema is also an Ayurvedic practitioner and says that the ancient Indian “science of life,” or Ayurveda, can help Americans navigate good heart health and lifestyle changes more joyfully.

In Ayurveda, your physical, mental and emotional characteristics clue you in to your dosha—one of the three energies that govern everyone and everything: vata (air), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth). Each of us is predominantly one “type,” and we see optimal results when we make changes that jibe with our tendencies. The standard recommendations on heart health—with its emphasis on a low-fat diet and vigorous exercise—is really aimed at only kaphas, Yarema says. “When you’re handing out the same lifestyle advice to everyone, you’re only hitting the mark one-third of the time.” Know your type, on the other hand, and you’ll be able to choose changes wisely—and focus on what will not only make you happiest, but also give you the best results.


Body type: Ectomorph, thin, long and lean
Emotional tendency: Anxiety
Biggest heart risks: Arrhythmias, palpitations, tachycardia and vascular spasm
Heart-health focus: Stress reduction

You’re a vata if
Your energy comes and goes in quick bursts.
You’re prone to digestive issues like constipation or gas.
You love cold, dry, windy weather.
You feel anxious and fearful when you're stressed.
You have a hard time falling or staying asleep.
Your skin is dry, thin and prone to fine lines.
You sometimes forget to eat.

FOR ARTISTIC vata types, every moment is a new adventure. These expressive individuals are always on the move, traveling through life from one pursuit to another.

Vata’s motion-driven, highstrung nature has direct consequences for heart health. Research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in 2008 found a direct link between anxiety and heart disease—men who tested high (in the top 15 percent of study participants) on four separate scales for anxiety had a 30 to 40 percent increase of risk for heart attack. Less is known about how anxious women fare, though the problem is likely to be as prevalent if not more so, since it’s well documented that women are more likely to suffer from anxiety than men. Indeed, many female heart attacks are misdiagnosed as panic attacks, says Jane Schauer, M.D., a cardiologist in Albuquerque, N.M. who has embraced Ayurveda as an adjunct to her practice. And women are far more likely than men to suffer from palpitations, arrhythmias, and the kind of vascular spasm that can lead to broken heart syndrome (a condition brought on by a surge of stress hormones).

The key to keeping these creative types healthy is to focus on creating calm. “The vata mind is like a pinball machine. Vatas love to be stimulated—but then it’s easy for them to get completely overwhelmed,” explains John Douillard, D.C., Ph.D., Ayurvedic practitioner and founder of LifeSpa in Boulder, Colo. “The most important thing vatas can do for themselves is get on a good quality routine and stick with it to create a little more regularity in their lives.”

Focus on stressing less
Ayurvedic experts agree: The single most important thing a vata type can do for heart health is to adopt a stress-reduction program. Learning new ways to deal with anxiety when it does come up can help a vata type handle it in stride. But don’t bother telling a vata to sit still and calm down—their restless nature will often resist, say, seated meditation. Better to give them something to do with all that nervous energy. Slow and gentle breathing exercises are perfect, explains Claudia Welch, D.O.M., an Ayurvedic practitioner and educator in New Mexico, because they calm the nervous system.

Alternate-nostril breathing:
1. Find a comfortable seated position in which you can sit upright without fidgeting. Establish a regular breathing rhythm—breathe deeply, but don’t force it.
2. Block the right nostril with your right thumb, and exhale deeply through the left nostril, then inhale deeply. Close the left nostril with the pinky finger of your right hand, and exhale completely through your right nostril.
3. Still holding the left nostril closed, inhale through the right nostril. Then block the right nostril with the thumb as you exhale through the left. Then inhale through the left, switch and exhale through the right.
4. Keep breathing in this pattern, alternating exhaling and inhaling with your left and right nostrils. Finish on an exhalation through the left nostril. Drop your hand, and relax deeply for several seconds before you get up and continue with your day.

Other heart-health moves for vata types:
FITNESS FIX: Get creative with your workouts Instead of hitting the gym five days a week, vatas should mix up their exercise routine by dancing. “A vata likes to be creative, emotionally expressive, and spiritually uplifted,” says Yarema. “Dance is perfect. Inwardly, vatas always know they need to dance, but sometimes you have to give them permission to do it. Once you do, they’ll say, ‘Yes! I’ve always wanted to do that.’ ” Sign up for salsa or ballroom dancing lessons, find a NIA or Zumba class, or join a local dance circle.

DIET DO’S: Reach for healthy fats
Surprisingly, vata types need food that can help weigh them down a little. In contrast with other types, they often benefit from adding more fats into their diet (choose healthy monounsaturated fats, such as olive or flaxseed oils, or use ghee, clarified butter). You should choose foods that are warm, soupy or heavy; root vegetables are especially grounding. Avoid the salad bar, especially when stressed, as it features cold, dry, rough foods that make a vata feel unbalanced.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Do You Have A Healthy Life? The Secret to Mental Agility

How to live a healthy life? Do We have a healthy beautiful smile for life? What are the suitable healthy life style for us? How to eat healthy for life? what is the tip for the healthy life? Do we living healthy life? Do we have healthy habit life? How do we start healthy life? These are questions that we should ask ourselves everyday.

If you want/ wish to live a healthy life, exercise or sports are the most suitable action you should take. With healthy recreation and sports, you not only living healthy life but also have a healthy life way. How to live a healthy life? First, you must have a healthy life style. Secondly, you must eating healthy for life, taking healthy food, take healthy life meds, read healthy life magazine. These are ways of how to lead a healthy life.

You can find you tip for a healthy life. Keep on reading.
We all know to exercise our bodies to keep fit, but how often do you think about exercising your brain to own a healthy life? And what type of exercise does it need to keep a healthy life anyway? What are the facts? Keeping mentally active will keep your brain in good shape. Getting older does not mean that you have to be forgetful! Try to get older with a healthy life!

Common Illness, Diseases and 'Medical Conditions' In Malaysia


Many people confuse low blood pressure with anaemia. Although both these conditions can occur together, they are two very different entities. [Read more...]


Asthma is the relative blockage of airways from the nose to the lungs. The narrowing of air tubes restricts the air flowing into and out of the lungs. This causes breathing difficulty. An adequately treated asthmatic should not get more than one or two attacks in the whole year. [Read more...]

Blocked Ears

The sensation of ear blockage is similar to what happens when the ears get clogged up with water after a swim. [Coming Soon...]


This can be very frightening especially if it occurs suddenly, and it usually requires urgent medical attention. There are cases of breathlessness where the onset develops gradually over months or years. The causes of acute breathlessness and those of a gradual onset are discussed below. [Coming Soon...]


Heat above 60 degrees Celsius destroys protein or tissue. When a hot object comes in contact with the skin, the heat will cause a blister or even charring. [Coming Soon...]


This is the most common cause of blindness in the elderly and it usually affects both eyes. Within our eyeball, there is a clear transparent lens which helps us to focus on the objects we see. [Coming Soon...]

Chest pains

Many people with chest pains are worried that they may be suffering from a heart condition. Such a fear is probably justifiable, since a heart attack can occur suddenly and be life-threatening. However, other causes of chest pains also occur commonly, and are discussed in here. [Coming Soon...]

Chicken Pox

Most of us are familiar with this condition. It usually starts off with fever followed by an eruption of small blisters on the second or third day. As the blisters increase in size, they cause irritation to the nerve endings and the person experiences a severe generalized itch. In some cases, crop after crop of blisters will appear and cover the whole body. The whole illness usually lasts two weeks

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Ultimate Juice

Everyone knows they should take vitamins...

But who wants to choke down a handful of tablets every day? Introducing Vemma®, the cure for "pill fatigue syndrome".

Vemma blends the most recent science and nature's finest to form a complete and delicious once-a-day liquid supplement that provides you with everything you need and more to kick your health and energy levels into overdrive.*

Developed by a physician with a background in both Eastern and Western medicine, Vemma unites the antioxidant-rich power of mangosteen — a fruit used for centuries by Asian health practitioners for its nutritional benefits — with rich plant-source minerals, organic glyconutrient-rich aloe vera and decaffeinated organic green tea along with a full spectrum of antioxidant vitamins to create the most powerful liquid antioxidant nutrition program anywhere!*

Vemma Nutrition Program™The Vemma Nutrition Program is available in four great options:

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We believe so strongly in our formula that we offer a 100% 30-day, money-back, risk-free, empty-bottle guarantee. While there are many juice and nutritional products on the market to choose from today, most offer very little in terms of a full-spectrum nutrient supplement . So why take a juice product, a vitamin, a mineral and an energy supplement? With Vemma, you get it all!

Remember...if it doesn't say Vemma, it's just juice.
Find out more about Verve’s insanely healthy energy options

Monday, December 1, 2008

Foods, Vitamins & Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power

Foods, Vitamins & Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power
It’s true! You really can eat your way to optimum brain power and continue to feed your brain at any age.
The right foods will help you use your brain to the max, and the more you use it, the more you’ll challenge your brain to grow new cells, create new connections, and improve your problem-solving and memory functions.
Before I tell you about the many great foods that will keep your brain performing at its peak, remember - eat organic foods that are fresh and as close to their natural state as possible. Also, drink plenty of pure, clean water, which is 85% of your brain’s weight.
Did you know that water can actually increase your alertness? When you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, instead of grabbing a caffeinated, carbonated drink, pour yourself a tall glass of purified water.

Finally, pick foods your great, great grandparents would have eaten, and stay away from so-called modern, highly processed foods that are filled with nasty chemicals. Many foods today are genetically modified. So, they are not as nutritious as organic, natural foods. And even worse, they can be dangerous to your health.
Continue reading: “Foods, Vitamins & Herbs that Boost Your Brain Power”
Though its name might be a bit misleading, organic hemp milk is a perfectly legal, not to mention healthy, alternative for vegetarians or non vegetarians. Produced from the seeds of the hemp plant, this milk has only begun to be sold in the United States within the past few years.

One concern that people have about organic hemp milk is that it might contain some of the chemical THC ( tetrahydro-cannabinol ), which is found in marijuana. Rest assured that this ingredient is not present or associated with hemp milk.
Another concern is that the hemp seeds must be imported since it’s currently not legal to grow the hemp plant in the US. Some hemp milk producers have to rely on obtaining hemp seeds from farmers in Canada or Europe, where the growth of hemp plants for oil or milk is perfectly legal.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Personel Exercise

"Health is Inner Peace; Healing is Letting Go of Fear"

The difference between theory and experience generally lies in practice, and this is certainly true of Attitudinal Healing. Try to do one of the following personal practice exercises each day (but not more than once per waking hour). Most are five-minute exercises, but you may extend them to 15 minutes if you are comforatble with them. Try not to judge yourself for failing, or for doing them imperfectly, or for being distracted while doing them. Nevertheless, be willing to make an effort, and give them enough priority in your day to make the practice effective. In fact, it is your own "little willingness" that sparks the changes we come to know as "healing".

Practice Exercises: "Health is Inner Peace; Healing is Letting Go of Fear"

* Individual Exercise:

Thoughts are the bubbles of the mind, and fear arises out of thoughts. Sometimes, we confuse our thoughts with "who we are". Sometime near the beginning of your day (if possible), sit quietly in a quiet place. Watch your thoughts dispassionately (that is, calmly and without judgment). For each new thought that arises, say silently to yourself: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now", then let it go as best you can. Let silence come to replace it, but if that is not possible, let the next thought arise gently, and repeat the process. If fear should arise, recognize its basis in thought, and apply the same process: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now."

Throughout the day, as you notice fear arising, apply the thought silently to yourself: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now."

Men Health

Men’s health is not just about toughing it out when they’re sick; it’s about illness prevention and living well. For men, staying healthy means taking care of the mind as well as the body, so it is important to pay attention to exercise, diet and overall stress maintenance.

Also, learning more about the top health concerns for men – heart disease, cholesterol, stroke, prostate cancer, and lung cancer – will help with disease prevention; staying informed on other areas such as fertility and sexual dysfunction is also important.

Below you will find a comprehensive set of herbal remedies from Native Remedies to help you manage and optimize men's health – naturally and safely.

View Natural Products for Men’s Health

* Prostate
* Sexual Health
* Heart Health

* Sports Energy & Recovery
* Other

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

supplement naturally

Natural Calm Magnesium Supplements
Site Overview - (Click on Text in Red to See More Information)
• Natural Calm magnesium supplements to reduce Stress, and Insomnia
• Magnesium & Calcium Supplements to help combat Osteoporosis
• Liver Rejuvenator natural supplements to help prevent liver disease
• Kidney Rejuvenator natural supplements to help prevent kidney disease
• Cell Rejuvenator to help promote healthy cell production and anti-aging
• Enzyme Digestion Aid to promote healthy stomach digestion support
• Liquid Vitamins for quick absorption Liquid Organic Life Vitamins
Natural Calm Magnesium Supplement Woman
We offer a full range of magnesium supplements developed by Peter Gillham of Natural Vitality that help bring stress relief and an insomnia remedy (some even call it an insomnia cure). We also offer these natural supplements with a calcium supplement to help combat osteoporosis because your body needs magnesium to balance and absorb your calcium.

Find out why Liquid Vitamins are better for you
Sample of Some of Our Products
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Calm Plus Calcium 8oz Liquid Organic Life Vitamins Liver Rejuvenator by Peter Gillham Natural Calm 8oz
Calm Plus Calcium 8oz

Liquid Organic Life Vitamins

Liver Rejuvenator by Peter Gillham

The magnesium supplements are developed by Peter Gillham of Natural Vitality and are in the form of magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate is highly absorbable and tastes great. The calcium supplements, in the form of calcium gluconate are combined with the magnesium supplements to help you absorb the calcium and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. Magnesium is also necessary to prevent heart disease.

We offer other natural health supplements to promote health to your vital organs. These natural supplements are formulated from the finest of Chinese herbs and the best of Western herbs to combat liver disease and kidney disease, and to promote healthy cell rejuvenation.

Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium is the most important mineral, activating over 350 different processes in your body; among these functions are energy production, digestion, energy production, bone formation, muscle function, activation of B vitamins, creation of new cells, relaxation of muscles and the functioning of your heart, brain, kidneys, as well as the nervous system.

Minerals like Calcium need Magnesium to be absorbed properly. Half of our magnesium is found inside cells of body tissue and organs and the other half combined with calcium and phosphorus in our bones; Only 1% of the magnesium is in our blood and therefore magnesium deficiency is hard to detect as our body fights hard to keep an adequate level in our blood and will take it from other places which reduces the chance of detecting any magnesium deficiency we may have.

The Natural Calm Magnesium Solution
Natural Calm Magnesium Baby The solution to restoring a healthy magnesium level is Natural Calm. Developed by leading nutritional researcher Peter Gillham, Natural Calm features a proprietary process that provides the most absorbable, effective, fast-acting magnesium available anywhere. Natural Calm Magnesium is a 100 percent natural water-soluble magnesium citrate powder of the highest quality.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Enjoy Life

How To Enjoy Exceptional Long Term Health The Easy Way

Enjoy Exceptional Long Term HealthIf you could learn exactly how to achieve and keep exceptional good health till you're 85 or older, would you be willing to invest just 2 cents a day on yourself to get it? Playing The Game Of Your Life To Win is a simple strategy that anyone can use to successfully achieve long-term health.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Healthy Recipes
Steamed Greens with Lemony Tahini and Cashews
Load up greens like Swiss chard with tahini and cashews for an extra healthy meal.
Leafy collard greens, kale, and Swiss chard–high in both calcium and B vitamins–are terrific bone builders. Cashews provide healthy fats and protein. Serve this dish with a side of steamed whole wheat couscous, which takes about 5 minutes to prepare–and boom–you've got a quick and easy healing meal.

Steamed Greens with Lemony Tahini and Cashews

½ cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
2 large lemons
1 large clove garlic, pressed
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 pounds collards, kale, or Swiss chard
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups finely chopped onions
½ cup unsalted roasted cashews, roughly chopped
Serves 4
1. Stir the contents of the tahini to incorporate the oil that often floats on top. Put the tahini in the bowl of a food processor. Grate the rind of the lemons and add to processor. Cut lemons in half and squeeze to get 1/4 cup juice. Add to processor. Add pressed garlic and begin to process. Add 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup cold water and process until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cover and set aside until ready to use.

2. Wash greens well. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces and discard tough stems. Heat oil in a very large nonstick skillet. Add onions and cook over medium-high heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add greens (with some water clinging to them) and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Add a large pinch of salt. Cover pan and cook 5 minutes longer, until tender but still bright green. Stir the tahini in with the greens and top with cashews.
Nutrition Facts
Per serving: 452 calories, 35 g fat (5 g saturated), 30 g carbohydrates, 12 g protein, 8 g fiber, 262 mg sodium (11% Daily Value).