Sunday, June 22, 2008

Breaking News on Supplements & Nutrition

All market reports


20-Jun-2008 - Sports supplement testing lab HFL has said that it would conduct banned substance testing free of charge if companies agree to have results publicized through trade bodies.

The commitment, made by the group's chief executive Dr David Hall, is a response to industry calls for more transparency.

Hall told today that HFL would offer supplement trade bodies in the
US the opportunity to send a number of their members' products for analysis for banned substances. The tests, he said, would be done free of charge on the understanding that the trade bodies would publicize the results, whether they are positive or negative.


UK-based HFL, which tests sports supplements for contamination with banned substances, last year released results revealing that 25 percent of 58 supplement products purchased in the
US were contaminated with steroids, while 12 percent were contaminated with stimulants.

The report, conducted on behalf of the supplement testing program Informed Choice, fired the flames of suspicion surrounding sports supplements, which repeatedly bear the brunt of blame when athletes test positive for banned substances.

The findings generated a flurry of media attention, as well as calls from the supplements industry for the names of the contaminated products to be released, in order to clear the names of companies that responsibly develop and market their products.

However, HFL says it cannot reveal this information because of the nature of its business: It works together with supplement companies that wish to have their products tested. If a 'name and shame' strategy were to be adopted, this would discourage firms from seeking testing.

In addition, Hall said that releasing the names of products found to be contaminated would imply that any products not named are clear of contamination - which would be misleading.


Although the supplements industry backs self regulation efforts, there is a general feeling that the sports supplements contamination information released by HFL and Informed Choice lacks transparency.

In response to such calls for transparency Hall suggested that the transparency card also sits with industry.

His invitation to trade groups to send in products for testing could be one way to achieve this.

As Catherine Judkins, business development manager at HFL pointed out, contamination can affect any company that does not have the necessary procedures in place.

There are two main sources of contamination, she said: Contaminated raw material, and cross-contamination on production lines.

Good Manufacturing Practices and regular testing are both necessary in order to minimize risk, she said.

2007 report

The research undertaken last year tested 58 supplements purchased within the US for steroids and stimulants using LCMS and GCMS technology. The methods were accredited to ISO17025 and the limits of detection were 10ng/g steroids and100ng/g stimulants.

The supplement products that HFL chose were ones the group believed did not undergo regular banned substance testing.

The results indicated that 11.1 percent of the products were contaminated by stimulants, and 25 percent were contaminated by steroids.

Industry campaign

As the supplements industry attempts to protect its image and credibility in light of bad publicity, it launched a new campaign last week designed to educate government about the role that supplements play in sports nutrition.

The Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus will communicate such messages and has kicked off a series of meetings being held in cooperation with the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA).

The first meeting with key personnel saw more than 70 delegates attending the lunch briefing in Washington DC, where they were informed about some of the truths and misconceptions surrounding the issue.

"We want members of Congress and their staffers to know that dietary supplements are not steroids - nor are they substitutes or replacements for hard work and determination," said Steve Mister, president and chief executive officer of CRN. "But along with rigorous training and healthy diets, supplements are mainstream, safe and effective products that athletes should feel comfortable and confident taking."


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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Natural Health Supplements

Do We Need Natural Health Supplements

Until recently, most doctors and medical associations have told you that you don't need to take health supplements if you eat a well-balanced diet with a wide variety of foods. Over the past two years, though, even the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have admitted that diets may need to be supplemented with vitamins, minerals and other alternative health supplements.

FDA Recommends Natural Health Supplements for the Majority

If you visit the FDA's own web site, you'll read their new position on nutritional and natural health supplements. It states in part that supplements of vitamins, minerals or fiber also may help meet special nutritional needs. Those with special nutritional needs include people who are older, young children, women who may become pregnant, people with various illnesses and medical conditions that include asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, hypertension and high cholesterol, those who are dealing with stress and those who are taking certain medications that affect the way that food is metabolized.

In other words, nearly everyone but young adult males in excellent health who eat a healthy, varied diet that includes all the food groups in all the right proportions can benefit from taking quality natural health supplements.

Natural Health Supplements Complement A Healthy Diet

The FDA does go on to add that "...supplements do not supply all of the nutrients and other substances present in foods that are important to health."

We completely agree that health supplements are not a substitute for a healthy diet. Choosing your foods from ALL of the food groups and eating a wide variety of foods from those groups is essential to your overall health. Unfortunately, simply living in today's modern world makes it nearly impossible to get all the nutrients your body needs from diet alone. Quality health supplements provide a necessary source of additional nutrients that our modern diets lack.

There are dozens of studies that have established the importance of various nutrients and vitamins in your diet, and the inability of the average modern-day diet to supply all those nutrients.

  • Strip the soil of nutrients by over farming it

  • Use pesticides that add harmful chemicals to the diet

  • Rely heavily on nitrogen and artificial nutrients to fertilize the soil - to the detriment of our health

  • Genetically modify food to look good - by stripping it of nutrients that our bodies need

The food we eat no longer contains all the vital nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy

Natural Health Supplements Help Protect Our Bodies From Pollutants

At the same time, industrialization has polluted the earth, water and sky. That pollution has nearly eliminated some of our healthiest food choices from our diets. Fish is heavily contaminated with poisonous mercury. Groundwater from which plants draw sustenance is contaminated with chemicals and other pollutants. The air is filled with smog, smoke and other poisonous chemicals that seep into our bodies through our lungs, our skin and the food that we eat.

Studies and research conducted in nearly every country has proven that many of the nutrients that have been lost or reduced in our diets provide vital protection to our bodies. Vitamins like C, D, E and the B complex family, enzymes like CoQ 10 and essential fatty acids that are found in fish and certain vegetable oils all have proven antioxidant properties. Those antioxidants play a vital role in protecting the body from the damage done by pollution and metabolism.

Natural Health Supplements Counteract Processing That Strips Foods of Essential Nutrients

Modern food processing methods strip further nutrients. By the time most foods reach your plate, they have a fraction of the nutrition that the same foods had fifty or a hundred years ago. Add in our own tendency to favor highly processed convenience foods, and it's no wonder that the rates of illnesses connected to poor nutrition are skyrocketing.

Quality Health Supplements Provide Nutrients That Modern Diets Lack

Among the more important nutrients that our diets lack and that can be supplied by high quality natural health supplements are biotin, lutein, vitamins C, D, E, and all the B vitamins, alpha lipoic acid and DHEA.

It's also important to choose your health supplements wisely. Since the FDA doesn't oversee or regulate nutritional supplements - they're not considered 'drugs' - manufacturers of natural health supplements rely on self-regulation to ensure quality of ingredients, safety of packaging and dosage, and truth in labeling.

We recommend natural health supplements by manufacturers like Xtend-life Natural Products. Xtend-Live, a New Zealand company. Xtend-Life uses its own researchers and patented processes to create high quality individual and blends of natural health supplements.

List of Popular Natural Health Supplements

Bee Pollen -- Bee pollen benefits have been known for centuries. Now scientists are examining them more closely
Fish Oil -- Fish oil benefits your body by providing essential fatty acids that build healthy new cells.

Coenzyme Q10 -- The benefits of coq10 include a healthier heart, lower cholesterol and fewer migraines.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits -- Defend your body against free radicals with this vitamin like substance.

Benefits of Bromelain -- Bromelain is an enzyme with many medicinal properties. Learn how bromelain can benefit to your health.

Lycopene Benefits and Use -- Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that is found many fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and watermelon and is responsible for the red color. You can eat it or supplement and it will help with conditions such as cancer and to help you stay healthy.

Health Benefits of MSM -- There are some great health benefits of MSM. MSM is a supplement that is used for a variety of conditions such as arthritis, anxiety, and hair growth. This article examines the top reasons to take MSM.

MSM Side Effects -- Though it is a great supplement, there are some MSM side effects. MSM is a great supplement to take for conditions such as arthritis. But only when examining the side effects can you really decide if you want to take it.

MSM Dietary Supplement -- Do you know if you want to take an MSM Dietary supplement? MSM is a popular supplement and is good for a lot of purposes such as healthier skin, hair, and joints. This article tells you what you need to know about taking MSM for better health.

MSM for Hair Growth -- If you are plagued by hair loss you should consider taking MSM for hair growth. Sulfur is a mineral that is used for hair growth. MSM is part of the sulfide group which means that it can supply your body with sulfur to help with this condition.

What are the Benefits of Glucosamine -- There are several Glucosamine benefits out there. Glucosamine sulfate is a substance that people often take in supplement form, especially for arthritis. This article talks about Glucosamine, the benefits of Glucosamine and anything else you will need to know.

Glucosamine Natural Sources -- If you are interested in Glucosamine, you may be wondering what the Glucosamine natural sources are. It does exist in different foods. However, most of us don't get enough of it in our diets, which is why we must supplement.

Glucosamine Sulfate Side Effects --Glucosamine is a great supplement for your health, especially for arthritis. However, there are some Glucosamine Sulfate side effects to be aware of.

Benefits of Lutein -- There are several health benefits of lutein, including its use for healthier eyes. However, it is also good for women's health, cardiovascular health, and other health benefits. This article talks about Lutein for better health.

Dosage for Lutein -- Lutein is a beneficial antioxidant for the eyes, skin, and cardiovascular system. Basically, it can help enhance your health. Here is some information on the right dosage for Lutein.

What is Soy Lecithin -- This article presents the basic facts about soy lecithin, its sources and its basic health benefits. Read on to find out the things you need to know about soy lecithin.

Lecithin Side Effects -- Lecithin has been increasingly popular today as a regular dietary supplement. Before deciding to take them, read on and find out what potential lecithin side effects are there to watch out for.

Benefits of Lecithin -- Many people take lecithin due to the popular benefits it is said to offer. Find out what benefits these are and how come people do not think twice on taking lecithin supplements.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Benefits -- Acetyl-L-carnitine has been seen to be therapeutic and is now popularly being marketed as a supplement. Find out what benefits you can get from taking it.

L-Carnitine Side Effects -- Are you considering taking L-carnitine as a dietary supplement for one reason or another? Read this article and see if there are any precautions you need to be aware about.

Alpha Lipoic Acid And Acetyl L Carnitine -- This article presents the positive synergistic effects that alpha lipoic acid and acetyl l carnitine can do to your body. Read more and find out if it is worth trying yourself.

Carnitine Deficiency -- This article presents information on carnitine deficiency. Find out why it is best avoided and what you can do if you have it.

Rutin Supplement -- This article presents essential information on rutin supplements. Find out what rutin is and what it can do for your body.

What is Chondroitin -- Chondroitin is one of the more popular alternatives for treating arthritis. What is Chondroitin all about and are they really effective? Learn more about it through this informative article.

Chondroitin Side Effects -- Chondroitin has been used all over the world for relieving arthritis pains and treating osteoarthritis. Read more about the side effects of these supplements and how to deal with them.

Side Effects of Glucosamine and Chondroitin -- Glucosamine and chondroitin has been widely used in the recent years as an effective supplement to fight against arthritis pains. What are the side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin? Learn more about them through this article

Benefits of 5 Htp -- Heard of 5-HTP today? There are actually many benefits of 5-HTP that you can take most advantage of. Discover some of them with this article.

What is 5 Htp -- So, you have heard about 5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan.This article will attempt to cover all the most frequently asked questions about 5-HTP and 5-HTP supplements.

5 Htp Side Effects -- You probably know all the health benefits 5-HTP can provide. However, do you know whether there are 5 HTP side effects that you should look out for? Find out by reading further.

5 Htp Supplements -- Can't decide whether you should take 5-HTP supplements? Find out what 5-HTP supplements can do for you, and decide from there.

What is Alpha Lipoic Acid -- Alpha Lipoic Acid is one of the most recent yet most beneficial supplements today. Find out more about
ALA and what it can do for you.

5 Htp Dosage -- Now that you have decided to take 5-HTP to fully enjoy its health benefits, you probably wonder how much of it to take. Know about the right 5-HTP dosage with this article.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Side Effects -- You probably know how beneficial
ALA can be for promoting overall health. But does taking Alpha Lipoic Acid bring about side effects? Find out more through this article.
Alpha Lipoic Acid Sources -- Heard so much about the amazing health benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid? Know where you can get ALA and why intake of ALA supplements may provide the most benefit for you.

Acetyl L-carnitine Effects -- Many supplements today contain the important ingredient Acetyl L Carnitine. Know whether you need it or not, and what side effects you can expect.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

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From growing up to getting braces, popping pimples to catching some ZZZs, this section gives you the basics on your changing body - from head to toe.

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Complementary and alternative medicine

You probably have a basic understanding of how modern medicine works: People have a yearly checkup, take an antibiotic when they're sick, get a cast for a broken arm, and they're good as new.

But in recent years other approaches to healing have risen in popularity. Many of these "alternative" techniques come from all over the globe and have been around for thousands of years. So what is alternative medicine and what does it do?

What Is It?

The term "alternative medicine" is used to describe healing treatments that are not part of conventional medical training — like acupuncture, massage therapy, or herbal medicine. People used to consider practices like these outside the mainstream, which is why they got the name "alternative."

Eastern countries have a longstanding tradition of teaching alternative medicine. But until recently, most Western hospitals didn't provide any alternative treatments and Western medical schools didn't teach them.

Patients in Western countries are becoming more receptive to trying alternative techniques, and have been asking for them. As a result, many Western medical schools are starting to teach these medicine techniques and theories. Some hospitals and doctors are supplementing their regular medical care with alternative techniques.

Many patients and health care providers use alternative treatments together with conventional therapies. This is known as complementary medicine.

Both alternative and complementary medicine use the same kinds of remedies to treat a health condition. The difference is that alternative medicine is often used instead of conventional medical techniques. Complementary medicine is used in addition to conventional medicine, not as a replacement. The field of complementary and alternative medicine is known as CAM for short.

How Is CAM Different From Conventional Medicine?

Conventional medicine (also called "allopathic medicine") is based on scientific knowledge of the body and uses treatments that have been proven effective through scientific research. Doctors are trained to have a thorough knowledge of the body's systems, diseases, and their treatments.

Complementary and alternative medicine is based on the belief that a medical care provider has to treat the whole person — body, mind, and spirit. The techniques used in CAM are mostly less invasive than conventional medical practices — meaning that they don't rely on surgery or conventional medications.

Some CAM therapies are supported by scientific evidence. But for most there are still questions that need to be addressed through scientific studies. This doesn't mean these therapies don't work, it just means that experts haven't studied them enough to know for sure that they do — and if so, how.

Why Do People Use CAM?

People often turn to CAM when they have a long-lasting problem that conventional medicine hasn't completely cured. For example, someone who has seen a doctor for years about persistent headaches might try using CAM in addition to current treatments to deal with any symptoms or side effects from conventional treatments.

People may also use complementary and alternative medicine when they're not sick. Because many people believe that CAM techniques — such as yoga — can improve overall well being, healthy people often use alternative medicine to try to prevent illness or to ensure a healthier lifestyle.


Just as there are many fields in conventional medicine, CAM covers many different practices. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), groups CAM practices into four areas:

  1. Biologically based practices involve supplementing a person's normal diet with additional nutrients, herbs, extracts, and certain foods. If you've ever taken a vitamin or herbal supplement, you've followed a biologically based practice.
  2. Manipulative and body-based therapies focus on the body's various systems and structures. If you've ever seen a chiropractor or had a massage, you've been treated with manipulative therapy.
  3. Mind-body interventions use the connection between a person's mind, body, and spirit to enhance total well being. Mind-body techniques include meditation, yoga, and biofeedback.
  4. Energy therapies are meant to restore disturbances in the body's natural energy. Energy therapies include such practices as Qi gong and Reiki.

In addition to these four different practices, CAM includes several whole medical systems. These alternative medical systems are entire systems of theory and practice, and many date back earlier than the conventional medicine we use in the West today. Examples of alternative medical systems include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathic medicine, and naturopathic medicine.

Alternative medical systems incorporate many of the different practices listed above into their treatments. For example, the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of acupuncture may be combined with herbal medicine (a biologically based practice), and Qi gong (an energy therapy). And Ayurveda includes the mind-body therapies of meditation and yoga, along with the biologically based practice of taking specific herbs for health reasons.

Some CAM practices are supported by scientific research, while others have not yet been studied. Sometimes experts have scientific evidence that a CAM practice (like acupuncture) works, but they don't have a clear understanding of why.


Although CAM does have some proven benefits, like anything, it has its limitations.

Experts haven't researched many CAM techniques enough to tell how effective they are as treatments. Some people may not feel it's worth investing a lot of time or money in treatments that haven't been proven effective. Insurance policies rarely cover CAM treatments, so people have to pay for them out of their own pockets with no reimbursement.

For some health problems, alternative healing approaches on their own may not be enough to help a person get well. Even something as seemingly minor as an infection may need treatment with traditional medications, like antibiotics. That's why it's always best to see your doctor if you have a health problem and talk openly about any CAM techniques you might want to try.

Another reason you should be up-front with your doctor about CAM techniques is because, in some cases, CAM practices can actually interfere with traditional medical treatments. For example, certain herbal supplements can interfere with some prescription drugs, such as diabetes treatments or birth-control pills.

As with modern medicine, CAM treatments that are effective for one problem will not help with all problems. For example, acupuncture has been proven to help reduce migraines for people under 18 years old, but is controversial as to whether is helps in other situations. Certain treatments are only used for certain problems, so if you want to try an alternative practice for a health reason, make sure it will help the specific problem you're looking to correct.

Before You Try It

Traditional medical doctors are not only trained, they're licensed. But that's not always the case with CAM practitioners. Some states have licensing requirements for certain specialists, like acupuncturists and massage therapists, and many are expanding their requirements for licensing as CAM practices grow in popularity.

Finding a good CAM practitioner is still not as easy as looking someone up in a phone book. NCCAM recommends asking another health care provider for a referral, talking to people who have been treated by the expert you are considering, and meeting with the practitioner to ask about his or her experience and training — the same kinds of things you'd do if you were interviewing a new doctor.

You may have already used a complementary or alternative practice, like yoga or massage, and not even thought about it! Trying practices like meditation and breathing can't do any harm, but other CAM techniques may have consequences for people with certain health conditions. Even the more mainstream practices like yoga can hurt someone with a health condition — like a back problem — if they are not done properly. So check with your doctor before trying any CAM techniques. Your doctor will try to guide you on which practices you can safely try while continuing with your current method of treatment.

Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: January 2007

Thursday, June 5, 2008

food supplement -alternative

A dietary supplement, also known as food supplement or nutritional supplement, is a preparation intended to supply nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids or amino acids, that are missing or are not consumed in sufficient quantity in a person's diet. Some countries define dietary supplements as foods, while in others they are defined as drugs.

In the United States, the definition of dietary supplements includes some hormones[citation needed] such as DHEA (a steroid), pregnenolone (also a steroid) and the pineal hormone melatonin, as well as non-medicinal herbal supplements.

Supplements containing vitamins or dietary minerals are recognised by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the United Nations' highest authority on food standards, as a category of food.[1]

United States

In the United States, a dietary supplement is defined under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994[2] (DSHEA) as a product that is intended to supplement the diet and contains any of the following dietary ingredients:

  • a vitamin
  • a mineral
  • a herb or other botanical (excluding tobacco)
  • an amino acid
  • a dietary substance for use by people to supplement the diet by increasing the total dietary intake, or
  • a concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or combination of any of the above

Furthermore, it must also conform to the following criteria:

  • intended for ingestion in pill, capsule, tablet, powder or liquid form
  • not represented for use as a conventional food or as the sole item of a meal or diet
  • labeled as a "dietary supplement"

While hormones are not mentioned in the above list, some hormones are marketed as "dietary supplements" in the USA.


Pursuant to the DSHEA, the Food and Drug Administration regulates dietary supplements as foods, and not as drugs. While pharmaceutical companies are required to prove the safety or effectiveness of their products, supplement manufacturers are not, and the FDA can take action only after a dietary supplement has been proven harmful.[3]

The DSHEA, passed in 1994, was the subject of extensive lobbying efforts by the manufacturers of dietary supplements.[4][5] As such, the true level of popular support for the deregulation of the supplement industry is unclear. A large survey by the AARP, for example, found that 77% of respondents (including both users and non-users of supplements) believed that the federal government should review the safety of dietary supplements and approve them before they can be marketed to consumers.[6]

Similar confusion about the implications of DSHEA was noted in an October 2002 nationwide Harris poll. Here, 59% of respondents believed that supplements had to be approved by a government agency before they could be marketed; 68% believed that supplements had to list potential side effects on their labels; and 55% believed that supplement labels could not make claims of safety without scientific evidence. All of these beliefs are incorrect as a result of provisions of the DSHEA.[7]

Nevertheless, at the time of its passage DSHEA received strong support from consumer grassroots organizations, and Members of Congress. In recognition of this, President Bill Clinton, on signing DSHEA into law, stated that "After several years of intense efforts, manufacturers, experts in nutrition, and legislators, acting in a conscientious alliance with consumers at the grassroots level, have moved successfully to bring common sense to the treatment of dietary supplements under regulation and law." He also noted that the passage of DSHEA "speaks to the diligence with which an unofficial army of nutritionally conscious people worked democratically to change the laws in an area deeply important to them" and that "In an era of greater consciousness among people about the impact of what they eat on how they live, indeed, how long they live, it is appropriate that we have finally reformed the way Government treats consumers and these supplements in a way that encourages good health."[8]

A 2001 study, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, found broad public support for greater governmental regulation of dietary supplements than is currently permitted by DSHEA. The researchers found that a majority of Americans supported pre-marketing approval by the FDA, increased oversight of harmful supplements, and greater scrutiny of the truthfulness of supplement label claims.[9]

Permissible claims

The claims that a dietary supplement makes are essential to its classification. If a dietary supplement claims to cure, mitigate, or treat a disease, it would be considered to be an unauthorized new drug and in violation of the applicable regulations and statutes. As the FDA states it in a response to this question in a FAQ:

Is it legal to market a dietary supplement product as a treatment or cure for a specific disease or condition?
No, a product sold as a dietary supplement and promoted on its label or in labeling* as a treatment, prevention or cure for a specific disease or condition would be considered an unapproved--and thus illegal--drug. To maintain the product's status as a dietary supplement, the label and labeling must be consistent with the provisions in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994.
*Labeling refers to the label as well as accompanying material that is used by a manufacturer to promote and market a specific product.

Dietary supplements are permitted to make structure/function claims. These are broad claims that the product can support the structure or function of the body (e.g., "glucosamine helps support healthy joints", "the hormone melatonin helps establish normal sleep patterns"). The FDA must be notified of these claims within 30 days of their first use, and there is a requirement that these claims be substantiated.

Other claims that required approval from FDA include health claims and qualified health claims. Health claims are permitted to be made if they meet the requirements for the claims found in the applicable regulations. Qualified health claims can be made through a petition process, including scientific information, if FDA has not approved a prior petition.

European Union

The Food Supplements Directive[10] requires that supplements be demonstrated to be safe, both in quantity and quality. Some vitamins are essential in small quantities but dangerous in large quantities, notably Vitamin A. Consequently, only those supplements that have been proven to be safe may be sold without prescription. In practice, however, there appears to be little risk to supplement users of experiencing adverse side effects due to excessive intakes of micronutrients.[11]

In Europe, it is also an established view that food supplements should not be labeled with drug claims but can bear health claims, although to a degree that differs from one member state to the other.

Legal challenge

The dietary supplements industry in the UK, one of the 27 countries in the European Union, strongly opposed the Directive. In addition, a large number of consumers throughout Europe, including over one million in the UK, and many doctors and scientists, have signed petitions against what are viewed by the petitioners as unjustified restrictions of consumer choice.[12] In 2004, along with two British trade associations, the Alliance for Natural Health had a legal challenge to the European Union's Food Supplements Directive[13] referred to the European Court of Justice by the High Court in London.[14] Although the European Court of Justice's Advocate General subsequently said that the EU's plan to tighten rules on the sale of vitamins and food supplements should be scrapped,[15] he was eventually overruled by the European Court, which decided that the measures in question were necessary and appropriate for the purpose of protecting public health. ANH, however, interpreted the ban as applying only to synthetically produced supplements - and not to vitamins and minerals normally found in or consumed as part of the diet.[16] Nevertheless, the European judges did acknowledge the Advocate General's concerns, stating that there must be clear procedures to allow substances to be added to the permitted list based on scientific evidence. They also said that any refusal to add a product to the list must be open to challenge in the courts.[17]


Russian legislation, Ministry of Health's order number 117 dated as of 15 April 1997, under the title "Concerning the procedure for the examination and health certification of Biologically Active Dietary Supplements", provides the usage of the following terminology:

As a rule, BADSs are foodstuffs with clinically proven effectiveness. BADSs are recommended not only for prophylactics, but can be included into a complex therapy for the prevention of pharmaceutical therapy's side effects and for the achievement of complete remission.

The development of BADSs and their applications has been very fast moving. They were originally considered as dietary supplements for people who had heightened requirements for some normal dietary components (for example, sportsmen). Later, they were employed as preventive medicines against chronic diseases.

See also