Thursday, November 20, 2008

Personel Exercise

"Health is Inner Peace; Healing is Letting Go of Fear"

The difference between theory and experience generally lies in practice, and this is certainly true of Attitudinal Healing. Try to do one of the following personal practice exercises each day (but not more than once per waking hour). Most are five-minute exercises, but you may extend them to 15 minutes if you are comforatble with them. Try not to judge yourself for failing, or for doing them imperfectly, or for being distracted while doing them. Nevertheless, be willing to make an effort, and give them enough priority in your day to make the practice effective. In fact, it is your own "little willingness" that sparks the changes we come to know as "healing".

Practice Exercises: "Health is Inner Peace; Healing is Letting Go of Fear"

* Individual Exercise:

Thoughts are the bubbles of the mind, and fear arises out of thoughts. Sometimes, we confuse our thoughts with "who we are". Sometime near the beginning of your day (if possible), sit quietly in a quiet place. Watch your thoughts dispassionately (that is, calmly and without judgment). For each new thought that arises, say silently to yourself: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now", then let it go as best you can. Let silence come to replace it, but if that is not possible, let the next thought arise gently, and repeat the process. If fear should arise, recognize its basis in thought, and apply the same process: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now."

Throughout the day, as you notice fear arising, apply the thought silently to yourself: "This is a thought, and only a thought; peace is my companion now."

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